There is a follow up to this story. Click HERE to see it.
It is always exciting to anticipate new opportunities related to areas in which we have a vested interest. I would like to report about one such happening in the N. Phoenix area pickleball community.
PLEASE NOTE – This is a preliminary report and items presented here are in the planning stages. Given the uncertainties with municipal budgets, priorities, emergencies, etc. any of the following my be revised, changed, etc. Kindly keep this in mind as you read further.

Last week, I met with Jan Sherwood, Recreation Supervisor, Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, City of Phoenix Landscape Architect, Tom Byrne and several other area Pickleball Ambassadors to preview preliminary plans for new pickleball courts at Paseo Highlands Park.

** About the Park – Paseo Highlands Park (Geolet A.C. Beuf Community Center), 3435 W. Pinnacle Peak Rd., 35th Ave. and Pinnacle Peak Rd. (Located adjacent to Geolet A.C. Beuf Community Center)
Amenities: A 40-acre regional Park with two lighted softball fields, lighted soccer field, lighted basketball court, lighted volleyball court, playgrounds, restrooms and picnic areas, grills, ramadas, and the Geolet A.C. Beuf Community Center.
**Excerpted from the City of Phoenix website.

Some of our pickleball friends have noticed signs in the area which outlined the project.

The plan is to build six outdoor pickleball courts.

The photo below is NOT of any identified pickleball court, but is to show the colors of the courts as the preliminary design and plan currently details.

Here are some of the specifics as I understood them. Please remember, that these plans are still fluid and preliminary.

There will be fences/barriers separating all of the courts. This should cut down on ball chasing.
The circles represent trees to be planted as part of the development process.
There is an existing ramada that will remain; located north of the westmost court (rectangular structure).
- The courts will be lit with timed fixtures that will go on automatically.
- For the four courts to the east, entry gates are located in the middle of the quad.
The two westerly courts have gates at the northern corners.
Pictured below is the general location for the development.

Bathrooms are located relatively near the courts.

There is a parking lot located a bit east of the courts. It has eleven spaces plus one space for handicapped parking.

It was 100 degrees plus the day we met and I walked from the community center to the area shown on the plans and it was not a far walk.
This is a picture I took while standing near the parking lot looking back at the community center…

and here is a photo taken standing on the steps of the community center looking back at the area (with gravel/granite) where the new courts will be placed.

For those who want to see a wide view of the general area, this is the link to the larger image (panorama)
Click HERE
The question that might be on the minds of most readers is WHEN will these courts be finished or when can we begin playing on them? A “guesstimate”, keeping in mind that there are some “ifs” involved, is that we are looking at some time after the new year, 2018!
Until then, it is something nice to think about!

I would like to thank Jan Sherwood and the City of Phoenix for keeping our pickleball community in mind and for allowing us to learn of the projects as they begin unfold.
I hope to see you on the courts!