SignEdge: Attempted Murder (T-Shirt Humor)

Attempted Murder T-Shirt
Visual Pun T-Shirt – Attempted Murder

**NOTE** – A Murder of Crows is a term used to refer to a large gathering of crows. Only having two at a meeting would be a mere attempt! How did this term evolve? According to Quora these are the possibilities:

  • For instance, there is a folktale that crows will gather and decide the capital fate of another crow.
  • Many view the appearance of crows as an omen of death because ravens and crows are scavengers and are generally associated with dead bodies, battlefields, and cemeteries, and they’re thought to circle in large numbers above sites where animals or people are expected to soon die.
  • But the term “murder of crows” mostly reflects a time when groupings of many animals had colorful and poetic name

T-Shirt Photo Via originally published this post

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Humor Video – Dogs Called to Dinner

These dogs are very well-behaved. Each waits until their name is called before proceeding to the chow line. They appear to be called in a random order, but could be conditioned to the same daily roll call. All goes well UNTIL…the very last dog who seems to have the patience of Job or resents being called last. I think you will enjoy this very short video.


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Carefree, AZ – Enchanted Pumpkin Garden , 2016 – II

If you would like to read the first part of the 2016 Enchanted Pumpkin Garden story, click HERE

This year’s pumpkin display at the Carefree Sundial garden had a couple of western themed exhibits. Below, we see two pumpkins sitting outside a saloon with decidedly carefree expressions.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

One fruit obviously violated the rules of the house as he was tossed from the card game onto the nearby street!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Another patron onlooker waved to those strolling by as he continued to enjoy his beverage.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

More macabre is the neighboring gallows where the apparent wrongdoing pumpkin escapes the noose when his stem breaks away. Of course we cannot assume this squash was not deserving the prescribed punishment.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Off to the side, a pumpkin outhouse provides some needed relief .

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

A group of pumpkins were hauling hay to a nearby loft. I am not certain they were doing it as efficiently as possible. The rope seemed to serve as a zip line for at least one of the workers.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

A pumpkin parent took her youngster to the nearby general store for a candy.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

At several points along the paths there were artificial saguaros which housed round brine tanks containing carved pumpkins. They were lit for an eerie effect.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Some of the pumpkins just wanted to have fun!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

The sculptors weren’t the only creative types. This jack-o’-lantern painter took up the brush to create signs, but…

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

unfortunately, this guy was splattered with some errant paint.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

At a nearby pond, a couple of pumpkins were fishing to relax a for a while.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Of course there were some real harrowing displays as well. This poor fellow was being roasted. Who would do such a thing?

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

This is the scoundrel who was turning the skewered squash!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Here we can see the cook in the act!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Hopefully, this will satisfy his tummy or these pumpkins “in waiting” may also face the heat.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

In another area of the garden, a mad scientist enlisted some of the melons to help pull the switches…

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

while the boss mixes elixirs for the holiday celebration.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Other helpers continued to keep the lab machinery going.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

All of this is just ho hum for some of the resident pumpkins and they found places to rest!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Have a Safe and Fun Halloween!


*NOTE: The pumpkins in the scenes were made using artificial resources to keep them from being eaten by the native wildlife such as Javelinas. Also of note, some of the metal stands supporting the pumpkins in the “scenes” have been removed in the photographs.

Carefree, AZ – Enchanted Pumpkin Garden , 2016 – I

During this season last year, we visited Carefree, AZ which is just a short distance from our Sonoran Desert home. They had a pumpkin carving/Halloween display and festival that was, as the title indicates, enchanting. I can also add very creative and entertaining.

To read last year’s posts with daytime pictures that are quite different, visit the links below:

Carefree, AZ – Enchanted Pumpkin Garden , 2015 – I

Carefree, AZ – Enchanted Pumpkin Garden , 2015 – II

Carefree, AZ – Enchanted Pumpkin Garden , 2015 – III

We decided to visit the exhibition once again. This year, however we arrived after dark. The nighttime presented several photographic challenges, so I hope you will overlook some of the shots if they are not quite as sharp or colorful as they should be. I think you will enjoy this post (and the next post) which should stimulate the holiday spirit.

When we arrived, it was just at the end of family pumpkin carving time. Professional sculptors had taught the skill of pumpkin carving and families were finishing their individual creations as we made our way to the large rotunda. This is done to raise money for the local “Y.”

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

It is interesting to watch the experts bring out the detailed facial features.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Why so puzzled or is it sad?

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

The previously carved pumpkins were jealously watching as others were getting all of the attention.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

And this little guy didn’t seem to care one way or the other as he sat upon the table. BTW – we were told last year that the appendages were artificial, but made to look real.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

There were plenty of carved pumpkins to see and some burlap-stuffed figures as well. Notice the faint figure in the background.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Here is that burlappy cowboy that was lurking in the previous photo. After all, it is Halloween in the western desert!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

There was a four hundred pound pumpkin on display as you can see…

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

And it was very orange and large. Notice the person’s legs on the left for some perspective.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

The family-carved pumpkins were judged and this young fellow was brought up to the stage to have his picture taken with pumpkin carver extraordinaire, Ray Villafane, as he was selected for his excellent carving. I was very impressed to see how well all of the amateur family carvers performed. I don’t think I could have done as well.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

A more traditional October pumpkin scarecrow was propped on the stage to help set the autumnal mood even though it was 90 + degrees that afternoon; pretty scary!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

This figure was sitting on a ledge off to the side and would be easy to miss. He was attempting to play a balancing game with some rocks. Just as a side note…the attention to detail in this exhibit was outstanding!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Instead of scaring passersby, this pumpkin looked as though it was scared of us!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Below is another view of a pumpkin pictured above. You may notice that the face glistens a bit. A brine mixture is sprayed onto the surface of the pumpkin as a preservative so when visiting the garden, there is a slight vinegar odor, but not unpleasant.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

These pumps were placed in the back of the stage to help provide that Halloween ambiance.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Not only the pumpkins were golden as..

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

several dogs seemed to be enjoying the exhibit as well. This one may be a bit scared!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

Some pumpkins were just enjoying the exhibition. Others, as viewers will see in the next post, were not quite as lucky!

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

We will leave you this day with an onlooking burlap maiden and child which were appropriately dressed for the occasion.

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden-2016-Carefree, AZ

View Carefree, AZ – Enchanted Pumpkin Garden , 2016 – Part II

The pumpkins in the scenes were made using artificial resources to keep them from being eaten by the native wildlife such as Javelinas. Also of note, some of the metal stands supporting the pumpkins in the “scenes” have been removed in the photographs.

Halloween Fun – Amazon Costume Challenge

Have some Halloween Fun by Trying to Guess the Specific Name for This Costume!

Amazon box Halloween Fun
Can you guess the name of this costume? HINT – It is an Amazon PRIME Box!! See below to find out!
Picture courtesy of Amazon via Twitter

Be creative this Halloween by using a big box or a bunch of small boxes as part of your costume. Can you guess what this person’s costume is? Probably not what you are thinking.

Click Here and Highlight this whole line to see Prime Rib!

Don’t blame me, this is from Amazon. By the way, they are having an Amazon Prime Costume Challenge. You can read the details at the link below.

Amazon Prime Challenge Link

See more JBRish humor posts HERE

Backseat Triplet Fight Stopper – Life Hack

Many parents will probably recognize this situation and the need for a resolution. What would you do if you had triplets in the back seat of a car and they often got into a scuffle? Well, Jack White seems to have arrived at a solution some refer to as genius. What do you think?

Triplet Anti Fight Hack
Triplet Anti Fight Hack by Jack White

Via Buzz Feed News

See more JBRish humor posts here HERE

Halloween is in the Air – Fun

Skeleton Cowboy
Big Box Stores Have Geared Up For Halloween

Halloween in the Southwest has a special flavor to it. There are certain variations on the theme. This skeleton horse and cowboy at one of our local big box stores (can you guess which one?) is just one example.

Halloween for the Where’s Waldo crowd…

A more traditional activity for holiday fun had Amazon (@amazon) post the picture below on twitter. There is one yellow M&M among the candy corn and the viewer is asked to find it. I don’t want to brag, but I found it in less than a minute; can you?

Yellow M&M among the Candy Corn @amazon
Can you find the yellow M&M among the candy corn?

See more JBRish humor posts here HERE