Someone has done some interesting thinking to help travelers in a clever and unique way. If you have ever visited a foreign country where you had no understanding of the language, this might be just the item for you.
Why not wear a shirt with icons representing cultural places in a specific country and other items that might be universally understood?
Just to give you an idea, here is a world edition T-Shirt.

To locate a bus stop, you could politely stop someone on the street and point to the icon of the bus. Most people, I believe, would get the idea and assist you.

Picture courtesy of PetaPixel
Below is a shirt targeted specifically to those who will be stopping in Paris (Notice the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe).

The company has a video to add a bit of levity to their sales pitch.
If you visit the ICONSPEAK website, you can see that they have a variety of styles, colors and targeted countries.

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