Pickleball News – 20200609 – Archived Version
Archived Version of a Previous Newsletter
This is an archived version of a previously issued pickleball newsletter. The most current N. Phoenix Newsletter is available by clicking HERE!
Hello North Phoenix Pickleball Players:
I can’t send out a newsletter without mentioning the Coronavirus in Phoenix and it’s impact on our sport. My main concern is the health and well-being of all pickleball players and especially my colleague-players who share the game with me on a regular basis at Paradise Valley Community Center, Beuf Community Center and the FLC. Any information contained in this newsletter is not meant to scare or steer anyone in a certain direction regarding the continuation or resumption of play. I simply want to raise awareness so when the crisis has subsided, ALL of us can once again share the joy of our sport with each other.
I am sure most of you are following the COVID-19 situation as it pertains to Maricopa County and especially Phoenix. In case you didn’t hear or understand all the recent facts…
This is what the news has reported as of 6/8/2020
1 – State Hospitals have been told to “fully activate” emergency plans
2 – Banner Health said it had reached capacity for its nine ECMO machines (machines that take over the breathing function for those who can’t breath even with a respirator)
3 – Maricopa County has the 26th highest number of confirmed cases of any county in the U.S., according to Johns Hopkins University.
I am not a health expert and none of what I am about to say is definitive regarding COVID-19 safety and pickleball so use your own best judgment. These are just a few things I have considered regarding pickleball play in our current environment.
According to most medical experts, masks do not protect you. They protect those around you from you! [I don’t know if people are wearing masks during play, but certainly after play while waiting that might be a solid choice.]
If you bring a towel to the playing field/court, be sure to use only one side to wipe your face and do not touch that side with your hands.
Make sure only you touch your water bottle and other belongings.
If possible wash your hands frequently or use sanitizer especially after a game. Once your hands are sanitized, don’t pick up the paddle until you get your next turn to play.
Socially distance while sitting and waiting for the next game.
Try not to touch your face and/or eyes.
The kitchen line (NVZ) is seven feet from the net. If all players stay behind the kitchen line at the end of the game, they are a minimum of 14 feet apart. This exceeds the space suggested by many health officials. You can stand there and have a virtual paddle tap and say “good game!”
********** RETURNING THE SERVE *********
Sarah Ansboury points to the best practices for serving and returning the serve. As she suggests: “It is one of the times during a match when you have 100% control of the outcome. Take time to think about what you want to do. Being focused at the beginning of the point is a great start to being purposeful throughout the point.”
Read the rest of the post HERE
********** BY RESETTING THE POINT *********
Mark Renneson of Third Shot Sports explains the importance of getting out of “trouble” by resetting the point.
If you are more or less sheltering in place and you don’t get the Third Shot Sports Newsletter with much information, videos, podcasts about pickleball, perhaps you should subscribe or take a look at the Third Shot Sports website!
******************** THE FLC ********************
In a recent communication, the Family Life Center (FLC) shared plans for resuming the summer pickleball schedule. As far as I understand it, these are the most current plans.**
“You will have to reserve court time in two hour increments. This is the only way we can keep you from coming to the FLC only to find out that we are at max occupancy and you are not able to play. We will have a sign up system on line. We will give you instructions on how to sing up to play soon. We will reopen Pickleball with a max occupancy of 32 people in a two hour time slot. This will make it so you rarely have to wait to play and we have a safe amount of people in one place. If the next time slot is not full when you finish you can sign up at the desk and keep playing. You will still sign on the white board to play games during your two hour time frame. There will be a sanitation procedures in place. As always we will be looking to you to lead in keeping everyone safe so we can allow the Pickleball program to run. This will include spreading out in the bleachers when you are not playing, wearing a mask when you are not playing, and following the basic Covid prevention procedures.”
** Please understand that because of the specific situation in our area, plans may change with very short notice.
Is Pickleball the Perfect Pandemic Pastime?
“Ellen DeGeneres recently declared herself among the intergenerational sport’s ardent enthusiasts.”
NOTE – The NYT allows a limited number of “free” views a month and then users need to subscribe to see more. If your allotment has been used, you will not be able to read the entire article, although ou will get to see the picture and headline briefly before the nag screen shows!

It is my understanding that this information will be updated as new pertinent information for the Pickleball community becomes available.
Previous newsletters that may have pickleball hints, videos, rules changes, etc. are now archived at the following link. You can check out previous newsletters there.
Archived N. Phoenix PB Previous Newsletters
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Picture Courtesy of Pickleball Magazine and the USAPA
********** That’s All for Now **********
Stay Well and Play Safely!
Jeff Ross