Taliesin West Evening Tour Photo Essay – Part 2

Before leaving the studio/office area for the introduction to the tour, the docent pointed to a concept drawing dubbed “The Oasis” which Wright submitted for the construction of the Arizona Capitol building. Apparently too innovative for its time, the design was not accepted. – Read more about it HERE.

AZ State Capitol Rendering
Wright’s concept drawing for Arizona State Capitol Building

Taliesin West backs up to the McDowell Mountains, a beautiful range in Scottsdale, AZ. While the development of Taliesin ensued, petroglyphs were located in the area and collected by Wright who found them of great interest. You can read about a petroglyph project on the property HERE.

“Frank Lloyd Wright was fascinated by the petroglyphs he saw in southern Arizona. It is not a coincidence that he located his winter home adjacent to a cluster of petroglyphs at the foot of the McDowell Mountains outside of Scottsdale.”

Petroglyph located at Taliesin
Wright was intrigued by Petroglyphs and collected some

This (below) is an interesting anomaly we come across in the desert on occasion. A seed of one plant or another finds the smallest of crevices and decides to make it home. Most of these volunteer plants live a shortened life because of the generally less-than-ideal location. This cactus has made its home in a hole in the wall; so to speak.

NOTE – There is a chance that this particular cactus was deliberately planted in the wall, but there is no way to know for sure.

Cactus living in a rock wall
Some plants volunteer to grow in the strangest places.


Read more about Taiesin West HERE.

Previous posts and photographs in the Taliesin West series in chronological order:



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©Jeffrey B. Ross

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