Pickleball News – 20191223– Archived Version
This is an archived version of a previously issued pickleball newsletter. The most current N. Phoenix Newsletter is available by clicking HERE!
December 23, 2019
Hello N. Phoenix Area Pickleball Players:
We are nearing the heart of the winter holiday season and I hope you have plans to share time with family and friends and perhaps some pickleball!
Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department
********** 2020 Winter/Spring Pickleball Schedule **********
The Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department has published the winter/spring pickleball schedule for the Community Center and Parks.
To download a color PDF copy of the Winter/Spring 2020, Phoenix Community Center Pickleball Schedule, click HERE!
NOTE – The gymnasium floor at the Goelet A. C. Beuf Community Center is still being repaired and thus it is not open for pickleball at this time. The target completion date is sometime in January and at that time, a revised schedule will probably be issued.
********** USAPA 2020 Rulebook & Revisions **********
USPA Pickleball Rulebook Revisions – Thanks to Mark Renneson and Third Shot Sports, a digital copy of the 2020 USAPA Pickleball 2020 Official Rulebook can be downloaded.
Perhaps more valuable to many players, Third Shot Sports has also published a list of revisions to the old rules. You can download a copy HERE -> Major USAPA Pickleball rule Changes for 2020.
********** Pickleball Ornaments **********
Yes, you can make Christmas Ornaments with pickleballs and related materials.
picture Via
********** Holiday Pickleball Closings **********
Check previous newsletter HERE for information about indoor PB venues holiday hours and closings!
Weather have you down?
********** Watch a Pickleball Video **********
If you can’t get out and play, but want some entertaining pickleball, you can check out this match on Pickleball Central!
PRO Men’s Doubles Play-In Match from the 2019 Franklin Pickleball Masters!
From the video website:
Today we are bringing you one of those matches. On one side is the team of Jeff Warnick and Riley Newman, and across the net, their opponents Dave Weinbach and Steve Deakin. Both teams want their shot at the Gold, but only one can walk away the winner. Who will it be? Watch the match to find out.
Start the New Year
********** as a USAPA Member **********
Support your Sport – Join the USAPA $20 for 1 Year
Join the USAPA – Click HERE for More Information
Picture Courtesy of Pickleball Magazine and the USAPA
********** That’s All for Now **********
I hope to see you on the courts!
Jeff Ross