STATUS QUOtes — 20240513

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“To doubt the experience is to discourage it. Let it be developed, see what is in it.” — Sri Aurobindo

“Some people sign up for the goal, but don’t sign up for the discomfort that comes along with the goal.” — Russell Brunson

“Any system was a straightjacket if you insisted on adhering to it so totally and humorlessly.” — Erica Jong

“Success to me is having ten honeydew melons and eating only the top half of each one.” — Barbra Streisand



“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2024 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20210719

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Jealousy is all the fun you think they had.” — Erica Jong

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.” — Abraham Lincoln

“The mind is beautiful because of the paradox. It uses itself to understand itself.” — Adam Elenbaas

“I’ve given my memoirs far more thought than any of my marriages. You can’t divorce a book.” — Gloria Swanson



I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2021 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20210415

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“If you have enough push, you don’t have to worry about the pull.” — Zig Ziglar

“Faith is not knowledge of what the mystery of the universe is, but the conviction that there is a mystery, and that it is greater than us.” — Rabbi David Wolpe

“I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged.” — Erica Jong

“I’ve never been married, but I tell people I’m divorced so they won’t think something’s wrong with me.” — Elayne Boosler



I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2021 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20190204

Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Since flesh can’t stay, we pass the words along.” — Erica Jong

“I think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition. In fact, there are so few people this crazy that I feel like I know them all by first name.” — Larry Page

“To place your ideas and your dreams before the crowd is to risk being called naive.” — Leo Buscaglia

“Some minds are like concrete: thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.” — Denny J. Brake


See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!



All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2019 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20180716

Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.” — Arabic Proverb

“How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those who are wise and of goodwill! In such a place even I would be an ardent patriot.” — Albert Einstein

“Logic is a feeble reed, friend. Logic proved that airplanes can’t fly and that H-bombs won’t work and that stones don’t fall out of the sky. Logic is a way of saying that anything which didn’t happen yesterday won’t happen tomorrow.” — Robert A. Heinlein

“If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.” — Unknown

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!



All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross – 2018 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20180218

Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Love is love, but marriage is an investment.” — Erica Jong

“The hardest job for a politician today is to have the courage to be a moderate. It’s easy to take an extreme position.” — Hubert Humphrey

“Build a dream and the dream will build you.” — Dr. Robert Schuller

“No man is an island, but some of us are pretty long peninsulas.” — Ashleigh Brilliant

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!



All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross – 2018 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20171221

Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Every country gets the circus it deserves.” — Erica Jong

“The world is not yet exhausted; let me see something tomorrow which I never saw before.” — Samuel Johnson

“No animal, according to the rules of animal-etiquette, is ever expected to do anything strenuous, or heroic, or even moderately active during the off-season of winter.” — Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

“An argument is two people trying to get in the last word first.” — Unknown

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!



All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross – 2017 —

Rules to Live by From the Dalai Lama

As my readers know, I enjoy collecting quotes and learning about creating photographs. Just look at some of my STATUS QUOtes and photography posts.

One of the blogs I follow is the Digital Photography School. There is so much knowledge there. I encourage you to review their site and subscribe to their emails or RSS feeds.

In a recent post by Darlene Hildebrandt, 11 Rules of Living by Dalai Lama to Help You Bring Zen to Your Photography,she offers some great advice and like many “truths” this advice can be applied to numerous phases and stages of life. I offer a few of them below juxtaposed with quotes that I have heard and which I find relate well to her “rules.” If you find meaning in them and you want to learn how Darlene Hildebrandt understands their relationship to her photography, visit the link above.

  • “Great love and great achievements involve great risk.” – “And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” ― Erica Jong

  • “When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.”“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” ― James Joyce

  • “Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.”“When you teach a child, you teach their children as well.” – The Talmud

  • “Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” – “Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers.” – Garth Brooks