STATUS QUOtes — 20240517

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Confidence must be monitored so that it does not spoil or rot and turn to arrogance.” — John Wooden

“When one longs for a drink, it seems as though one could drink a whole ocean—that is faith; but when one begins to drink, one can only drink altogether two glasses—that is science.” — Anton Chekhov

“What I want you to try and find out is, is there anything special going on or is it all just as crazy as it looked to me?” — Kurt Vonnegut

“The real problem of leisure time is how to keep others from using yours.” — Arthur Lacey



“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

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