STATUS QUOtes — 20190117

Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“We often get in quicker by the back door than by the front.” — Napoleon Bonaparte

“I think about how there are certain people who come into your life and leave a mark. The ones who are as much a part of you as your own soul. Their place in your heart is tender; a bruise of longing, a pulse of unfinished business. Just hearing their names pushes and pulls at you in a hundred ways, and when you try to define those hundred ways, describe them even to yourself, words are useless. If you had a lifetime to talk, there would still be things left unsaid.” — Sara Zarr

“The public only takes up yesterday as a stick to beat today.” — Jean Cocteau

“It always bugs me when I’m singing along with a song on the radio, and the artist gets the words wrong!” — Charles Lauller


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