“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”
— Margaret Thatcher —
Today’s STATUS QUOtes
“There is profundity to explore, but also laundry to do.” — Bruce Feiler
“The courage to imagine the otherwise is our greatest resource, adding color and suspense to all our life.” — Daniel J. Boorstin
“None of us does everything right. None of us is so wise that we always speak the right word or so strong that we always do the right thing. Remembering this keeps us humble.” — Charles Stanley
“Even a dog distinguishes between being stumbled over and being kicked.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —
Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!
All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to JBRish.comare appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.
“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”
— Margaret Thatcher —
Today’s STATUS QUOtes
“There is no wrong way to perform an act of kindness.” — Catherine Ryan Hyde
“You come home, make some tea, sit down in your armchair and all around there’s silence. Everyone decides for themselves whether that’s loneliness or freedom.” — viaHoda Kotb
“Walk with me for a while, my friend—you in my shoes, I in yours—and then let us talk.” — Richelle E. Goodrich
“Babies awaken slightly disoriented, with a look that’s half Angel and half Lost Tourist.” — Paul Reiser
“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —
Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!
All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to JBRish.comare appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.
“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”
— Margaret Thatcher —
Today’s STATUS QUOtes
“The direction of the mind is more important than its progress.” — Joseph Joubert
“If you have a boat to sail, land becomes a choice! If you do not have a boat to sail, land becomes a fate! Create different choices so that you can have different fates!” — Mehmet Murat ildan
“In the age of television [and social media], image becomes more important than substance.” — S. J. Hayakawa
“I was allowed to ring the bell for five minutes until everyone was in assembly. It was the beginning of power.” — Jeffrey Archer
“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —
Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!
All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to JBRish.comare appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.
“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”
— Margaret Thatcher —
Today’s STATUS QUOtes
“When you are strong, you can be strong for others.” — Gary Vaynerchuck
“Men are apt to mistake the strength of their feeling for the strength of their argument. The heated mind resents the chill touch and relentless scrutiny of logic.” — William Ewart Gladstone
“We are all part of a larger stream of events. We are all the beneficiaries of those who have gone before us.” — David McCullough
“I, on the other hand, believe that books, maps, scissors, and Scotch tape dispensers are all unreliable vagrants, likely to take off for parts unknown unless strictly confined to quarters.” — Anne Fadiman
“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —
Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!
All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to JBRish.comare appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.
“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”
— Margaret Thatcher —
Today’s STATUS QUOtes
“A wonderful gift may not be wrapped as you expect.” — Jonathan Lockwood Huie
“Have patience with everything unresolved in you heart and try to love the questions themselves. It is possible to live and not know.” — Rainer Maria Rilke
“How long have you been holding those words in your head, hoping to use them?” — John Locke
“The advantage of growing up with siblings is that you become very good at fractions.” — Robert Brault
“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —
Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!
All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to JBRish.comare appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.
“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”
— Margaret Thatcher —
Today’s STATUS QUOtes
“The day you stop racing is the day you win the race.” – Bob Marley
“There is very little difference between one man and another; but what little there is, is very important.” — Jonathan Gottschal
“The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself.” — Bernard Baruch
“Thanks for all the birthday greetings! To tell the truth, I don’t feel like 96 at all—I feel a lot more like 95.” — Mel Brooks
“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —
Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!
All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to JBRish.comare appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.
“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”
— Margaret Thatcher —
Today’s STATUS QUOtes
“Words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the quality of deeds.” — Elie Wiesel
“Figuring out who people are takes time. And it takes twice as much time if they’re trying to impress you.” — Dr. Gregory House
“Once you’re in the arena, never take advice from people on the sidelines. Their map is entirely formed from the outside looking in and is unlikely to provide value for someone in the game.” — Sahil Bloom
“My list of things I never pictured myself saying when I pictured myself as a parent has grown over the years.” — Polly Berrien Berends
“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —
Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!
All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to JBRish.comare appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.
Archived Version of a Previous Newsletter
This is an archived version of a previously issued pickleball newsletter. The most current N. Phoenix Newsletter is available by clicking HERE!
Latest N. Phoenix Pickleball News – July 11, 2022
Hello N. Phoenix Pickleball Players:
Sorry that this is somewhat delayed, but I have been away from home and my usual technology gear.
***** City of Phoenix Summer Schedule *****
For those who have already visited the community centers in Phoenix, this will probably not be new with the EXCEPTION that this is the most current version of the summer schedule.
Ben Johns has been one of the top ranked pickleball players. The video below is an archive of some of his amazing shots including several ATP (Around the Post) shots.
I am not saying it is magic, but when someone possesses such skills it seems that way. If you want to be entertained by pickleball goodness for 11 minutes, watch this video.
NOTE – A good number of Ben’s winners are set up by careful dinks and softer shots.
***** OLYMPIC MOVEMENT ROAD TO GOLD for Pickleball *****
I am not sure how many players know that there is an International Federation of Pickleball (IPF) planning to petition to have pickleball become an Olympic sport.
Their latest newsletter (Download HERE) includes the following summation on page 3:
Note: This process can only be successful with a united international community willing to promote pickleball as a unified group. Our hope is that we can all join together to complete this goal.”
***** VIDEO – Footwork: A Key to Pickleball Success *****
As pickleball coach and commentator Mark Renneson points out, it is often the less flashy nuances of a sport that make the difference between a player being good or great.
We tend to focus on hitting the ball, which of course is important, but do we think as much about our footwork and positioning? The video below featuring Simone Jardim and Lucy Kovalova vs Catherine Parenteau and Callie Smith, analyzes a professional tournament point to highlight some of the finer skills.
General Observations
All players watch every ball
Paddles are always up and in the ready position after each stroke
Subscribe to the Third Shot Sports Pickleball Newsletter for more pickleball videos, information and fun!
***** Pickleball makes it to Sports Illustrated website*****
There are: Too many leagues. Too many federations. Battling billionaires. Bad behavior. And the growth of a booming sport is on the line.
“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”
— Margaret Thatcher —
Today’s STATUS QUOtes
“The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore.” — Dale Carnegie
“The enemy of the conventional wisdom is not ideas but the march of events.” — John Kenneth Galbraith
“To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man’s life.” — T. S. Eliot
“I finished a big book the other day. 421 pages. That’s a lot of coloring when you think about it.” — Adam Sandler
“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —
Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!
All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to JBRish.comare appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.
“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”
— Margaret Thatcher —
Today’s STATUS QUOtes
“By your stumbling, the world is perfected.” — Sri Aurobindo
“Look beneath the surface; let not the inherent quality of a thing nor its worth escape you.” — Marcus Aurelius
“Vacations are not just about the two weeks you are away from work; they’re also about the time you spend anticipating and imagining your trip, as well as the time after the trip when you get to replay special moments from your vacation in your mind.” — Dan Ariely
“You can’t write good satirical fiction in America because reality will quickly outdo anything you might invent.” — Philip Roth
“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —
Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!
All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to JBRish.comare appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.