Pickleball Video – Be a Better Banger

As I watch many of my colleagues play pickleball and a volley develops where the ball goes back and forth several times, it sometimes looks like a pool party where everyone in the pool is just trying to keep the ball from hitting the water. Players are simply patty-caking the ball back and forth. Joe Baker refers to this phenomenon in one of his videos.

If a ball is going back and forth at a moderate pace, that is an ideal time to step forward and “bang” the ball so it is harder to return.

Deb Harrison’s latest video, “Be a Better Banger,” may help you improve your power hitting technique.

Pickleball: Not Only Cool, But Cold…Frozen

I have mentioned Mark Renneson and his Third Shot Sports in the past and I guess if you live in Canada, it may become difficult to find a place to play pickleball during the colder months. Perhaps this is one solution although for the warmer climate denizens, I wouldn’t recommend trying this unless you have very good hockey and/or ice skating skills.

Great fun Mark and the gang!

As quoted from the YouTube website:

“We all know that you can play pickleball outside. But how about in winter? On ice? With skates! Third Shot Sports presents a unique look at how some crazy Canadians play the sports they love no matter what the conditions. Featuring Bill Furse, Ingrid Schuster, Chuck Burgoyne, Mark Renneson and Cecily the Baby. thirdshotsports.com”

To See Pickleball Videos Covering Many Aspects of the Game Click Here

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Pickleball – You Make the Call – 20160121 – Answer

The Question:

A pickleball player is standing at the Non-Volley Zone (NVZ) and the front of his shoes curl up in such a fashion that they are actually beyond the NVZ line, but because of the curl, they are not touching the line.

A ball is hit to that player and he makes a return volley back to the opposing team. If an imaginary line was extended downward from the tip of his shoe to NVZ line his foot would have been over that line; is this a fault?


The Answer according to USAPA Rules Chairperson:

“The NVZ, including the NVZ line, is a two dimensional part of the court. So, the tip of the shoe can overlap the line, but if it is not touching the line at the time the player is volleying the ball it is not a fault. The shoe must contact the line in the process of volleying the ball for it to be a fault.” [emphasis mine]


To See Pickleball Videos Covering Many Aspects of the Game Click Here

Check out Additional Pickleball Info and Videos!


JBRish.com originally published this post

Pickleball – You Make the Call – 20160121

A pickleball player is standing at the Non-Volley Zone (NVZ) and the front of his shoes curl up in such a fashion that they are actually beyond the NVZ line, but because of the curl, they are not touching the line.

A ball is hit to that player and he makes a return volley back to the opposing team. If an imaginary line was extended downward from the tip of his shoe to NVZ line his foot would have been over that line; is this a fault?

Leave your answer in the comment section! The answer will be presented next week in a follow-up post.


To See Pickleball Videos Covering Many Aspects of the Game Click Here

Check out Additional Pickleball Info and Videos!

Pickleball: Don’t Stink at the Dink!

There are a number of pickleballers who don’t like the soft game. They do everything they can to avoid it. Unfortunately, as most experts will point out, it is hard to achieve pickleball excellence without a good soft game, i.e. the dink.


Five Elements of Dinking

This brief video explains all of the elements of a good dinking game. Watch the video to improve your dinking skills.

As quoted from the YouTube video:

Do you know one of the secrets to taking your game to the next level? It’s mastering the soft game using the dink! Many players love to smash the ball hard, but everyone knows top players use dinking to control the game and ultimately win. In this episode of Pickleball 411, we are fortunate enough to hear from pickleball ambassador Tom Early from Canton, Georgia as he demonstrates a key reason why you must have the dink as part of your game plus five steps to get started! [emphasis is mine ]

If you think dinking isn’t a serious aspect of the sport, you can watch Deb Harrison explain her “all day dink” technique. If so many people are talking about it, it must be important; right? I mean after all…Can millions of Elvis fans be wrong?

Click here for Deb Harrison’s dinking video

To See More Pickleball Videos Click Here

Pickleball: Let’s Talk About the Serve

When players look at this diagram (below), I receive mixed reactions.


Diagram of a Pickleball Serve

Some think it is an illegal serve because it looks like a side-arm swing. Others think that it is legal because it meets all of the elements of a legal serve, but admit it is close.

What do you think? Watch the video below to find out!

Did you know the three main elements of the serve?


JBRish.com originally published this post

See more post and videos about Pickleball HERE

First US Open Pickleball Championship Ever – April, 2016


Picture courtesy of the usopenpickleballchampionship.com

Pickleball history will be made this year as the first US Open Pickleball Championship, modeled after the US Open Tennis Championship, will be held in Naples, Florida starting on April, 26 2016!

The sport of Pickleball will be taking a big step as it anticipates many of the best pickleball players in the world will participate in the US Open which will reportedly include a stadium venue and cash purse of more than $20,000 will be awarded. Also reported by the news-press*, are the following anticipated happenings:

  • 1,000 tournament participants
  • 10,000 spectators over the course of the event
  • An economic impact of approximately a half-million dollars
  • Up to 500 hotel rooms will be rented in association with this tournament

While these numbers may not seem significant compared to other high-stake championships, we must remember that this is just the start. With the popularity of pickleball soaring across the United States and in other countries, it is bound to get bigger and better over the next decade.

To read the entire news-press.com article,Naples to host 2016 US Open Pickleball Championships, click on the link.

Visit the official US Open Pickleball Championship website – click here

For more tournament details click here.

Schedule of tournament events click here.


Picture courtesy of the usopenpickleballchampionship.com

Pickleball: Serving Team – How to Get to the Net

After playing pickleball for just a short while, an attentive player will learn that it is better to control the net, i.e. be at the net ready to volley a ball that is hit rather than staying back and volleying from the baseline.

The question then arises: When is the best time for the serving team to head toward the net? It isn’t necessarily wise to run to the net as soon as possible.

Mark Renneson of Third Shot Sports, has created a video to demonstrate how to “earn” the net.

You can also see Deb Harrison’s take on this situation by watching this previous JBRish post:

Pickleball: Earn the Net

Pickleball: Run Do Not Walk to the NVZ (Video)

Every once in a while I find myself playing Pickleball (PB) with a player who does not feel comfortable playing at the net, i.e. near the non-volley zone (NVZ) line. Often these players are beginners so that can be understandable. When questioned, they report that they are not “good enough” or they can’t handle the fast balls.

Unfortunately, the best chances for winning the point are at the NVZ. Watch the expert matches, all four players will be at the NVZ as much as possible. Yes, a point can be one every now and then from the back of the court, but not consistently.

If a PB player wants to improve, they need to gain confidence at the Kitchen and what better way than by playing there? The brief video emphasizes this point.

>Mark Renneson breaks down the movement patterns of the best pickleball players after returning a serve.

Paddle Up for Pickleball Success

Although I enjoy pickleball and I count myself among the sport’s enthusiasts and I have become a USAPA Ambassador, I am not a top-notch player. I enjoy the game and one thing I learned early on is the importance of keeping the paddle in the up position. The video below demonstrates the technical aspects of accomplishing this and gives examples of why it can be a big step in improving most people’s game.

Pickleball 411: Paddle Up and Win with Prem Carnot

From the YouTube link:

Published on Dec 17, 2015

Stop helping your opponent win! Proper pickleball technique can make or break a game. This week we share a simple concept that can make a big difference in winning a match or losing it. Play smart and watch this episode of Pickleball 411 with Prem Carnot, “The Pickleball Guru”. Pickleball Channel was fortunate enough to have Prem join us to talk about the paddle up position. He breaks it down so you can improve today. Don’t let the year end without making a difference in your game. Watch it now!