STATUS QUOtes — 20150117

“Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it.” — Horace

“The facts are indispensable; they are not sufficient. To solve a problem it is necessary to think.” — Robert Maynard Hutchins

“Every exit is an entry somewhere else.” — Tom Stoppard

“If you’re ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there.” — Mark Twain

Surreal iPhone Photography Will Amaze You

Surreal iPhone photo of a Whale Jumping

There is a saying among photographers: “The best camera is the one you have with you.”
Simply put, if you only have one camera with you, then that is your best camera and it should be used to get the shot. Undoubtedly there are many very talented amateur and professional photographers, but intriguing, beautiful and award winning pictures can be taken with cameras that are not “top of the line,” so to speak.

The surreal photos of Robert Jahns were created and edited on an iPhone. Robert currently uses an iPhone 5s which is one model older than the most current version available today. He understates his talent by proclaiming that he downloads interesting apps and “plays around” with them.

Surreal iPhone photo a colorful umbrella in a snow storm

To read more about Robert Jahns and how he creates some of his photos and to see more of his pictures, visit the site below.

Cult of Mac

Can Pickleball Help You Stay Young-er?

While the NY Times article referenced below, How Exercise Keeps Us Young, focused on cycling as a physical activity, the results are clear — exercise helps keep older people “younger.” Obviously there are some factors related to aging that cannot be reversed or denied, but according to the research, and extrapolating a bit, physical activity can help older people retain some properties of younger people.

Pickleball is a great exercise for those who want to get a good workout that is a lot of fun. I formerly peformed 45 minutes of aerobic exercises and 15 minutes of calisthenics every day. I enjoyed listening to my aerobics music, but quite frankly it was pretty boring. Pickleball, at any level, is anything but boring.


For the complete article and to read all about exercise in the “older” generation, here is the link:

How Exercise Keeps Us Young

STATUS QUOtes — 20150115

“No person is a failure who is enjoying life.[ed]” — William Feather, American publisher

“Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own.” — Carol Burnett

“It is a wonderful seasoning of all enjoyments to think of those we love.” — Molière

“All the world’s a stage we’re going through.” — Lorrie Moore, Anagrams

STATUS QUOtes — 20150114

“We are afraid of the enormity of the possible.” — Emile M. Cioran

“Justice… limps along, but it gets there all the same.” — Gabriel Garcia Marquez

“The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going.” — David Starr Jordan

“The difference between playing the stock market and the horses is that one of the horses must win.” — Henry Adams

Sun Trellis

Several years ago we decided to plant a snail vine (Vigna Caracalla) in the courtyard of our home in northern Phoenix. This is a good plant for our particular climate; tolerating reflected heat and a great amount of sun exposure and able to tolerate moderate freezes. (If the frost kills the top; cut to the ground and it will re-bloom in the spring). As this would be a focal area, a special trellis that would accommodate an eight foot expanse in front of an inside wall was required. A trip to an eclectic pottery and home furnishing store in nearby Cave Creek that was “going out of business” provided a sheet metal screen of smiling suns! Slightly damaged; (the blemish that prompted its reduced price was negligible) the screen was cut in two even sections to facilitate ease of installation. Over the years, the weight of the new growth has required some staking with rebar and wire, but the effect is still impressive!

Note: this vine (at least in our particular area) develops mildew each year during the humid part of our summer; after a significant re-cutting and application of Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Rose, Flower and Shrubs Concentrate, it resumes vigorous regrowth.

Sun Trellis with Snail Vine

The Trellis with Foliage Beginning to Fill the Voids


A Snail Vine Bloom