Introduction to YOY
I don’t have much of a bucket list, but there are a few things I would like to do and see while I still have the opportunity. My wife and I like to hike. Well, let’s change that..we like to explore and see things which often involves hiking. Hiking isn’t our goal. Enjoying nature and discovering the earth’s beauty is our goal.
An additional interest for me, as we wander and wonder, is photography. I am an opportunistic photographer. I try to discover interesting, scenic and beautiful things as part of my exploratory process. I must confess that I don’t usually get up at the crack of dawn or remain on the photographic quest until the evening golden or blue hours.
What I enjoy about my photography is the search for a compelling scene under whatever conditions I might find myself facing. All of this is a round about way of saying that we finally made it to Yosemite National Park even though that isn’t it’s real name anymore since the renaming fiasco related to a contract dispute with Delaware North and the new managing company Yosemite Hospitality, LLC, but lets not go there; at least not at this point.
I would like to share a year of pictures that we took during our visit to Yosemite. I will try not to repeat any of the photographs, but keep in mind that I did take many, many photographs of the iconic areas of Yosemite (National Park) You may think you have seen a particular picture before, but I will include reference information just to be on the “up and up!” I will TRY not to repeat any pictures so dear readers you can keep me on my toes.
TECHNICAL NOTE (added June 26, 2016) – While I generally use the RAW photography format for initial capture of a scene, pictures are converted to JPEG/JPG for purposes of posting. File names provided in the Meta Data below each photograph are those of the original image before being converted to JPG format. Some shots were taken in the JPEG format initially and will be so noted.
YOY – Day 1

“Yosemite National Park Sign, El Portal, CA – Route 140”
This picture was taken on one of the few overcast days we had during our week-long stay in an around Yosemite National Park.
Meta Data – Day 1 YOY – Year of Yosemite
File Name: 000025_DSC_0428.NEF
Capture time: 4:22:40 PM
Capture date: June 10, 2016
Exposure: 1/60 sec @ f/16
Focal Length: 18mm
ISO 280
Nikon D3300
See All (YOY) – Year of Yosemite posts thus farHERE