Year of Yosemite (YOY) – Day 119 (Hetch Hetchy – Stairs Along the Trail)

Year of Yosemite (YOY) – Day 119 (Hetch Hetchy – Stairway Along the Trail)


Partial “stairway” along the Wapama Falls Trail at Hetch Hetchy – Yosemite

As other posts pointed out, our day at Hetch Hetchy turned overcast shortly after we arrived and parked the car. As we hiked along the Wapama Falls Trail, the sky would become more threatening at times and then brighten slightly. When the clouds rolled in, the pictures were dramatic, but when the sky brightened and the sky turned solid gray picture opportunities were limited.

This photograph shows part of the trail that offered stone stairs to the hikers. I am so impressed to see these features from time-to-time as I understand the work that is required to construct these “stairways.” Not only do these pathways take a large amount of manpower to construct, they need to be maintained over time.

I believe the waterfall in the upper part of the picture is the Tueeulala Falls.

Do you have a question about our visit to Yosemite? Ask it in the comment section. originally published this post
*All photographs Copyright by Jeffrey B. Ross with all rights reserved.

See previous Year of Yosemite (YOY) posts HERE. If you want to read the introduction to the YOY series, CLICK HERE.


Meta Data – Day 119 YOY – Year of Yosemite

File Name: 3592.JPG
Capture time: 1:31:22 AM/PM
Capture date: June 11, 2016
Exposure: 1/200 sec @ f/4
Focal Length: 5.82mm
ISO 80
Canon PowerShot A590 IS