And the Universe Smiled

The picture below has been posted on many websites and I thought my readers would enjoy seeing it as well. One site that originally posted it was the NY Daily News


From the NY Daily News Story:

“ A delightful image taken by NASA’s Hubble Telescope shows a part of space appear to form a smiling face for the camera.

The picture, which shows some parts of the universe may be friendlier than others, was taken of galaxy cluster SDSS J1038+4849 — and it seems to be smiling.

The image shows a circle for the head, two gorgeous big bright eyes, a spot for a cute little nose and a big smile fit to be painted on the side of a water tower.

NASA says the picture shows different materials that clustered to form the happy looking environment.

The two bright orange “eyes” are actually bright galaxies, the agency states.

The smile-shaped line underneath them is due to “strong gravitational lensing” that pulls material into the shape.

The phenomenon actually bends light from the camera and creates the image, NASA states.

Many of the more unique Hubble images are due to this occurrence, the agency said.

The telescope has captured more than a million images but this one is a keeper.”

To see links to the NASA site and other images, visit the NY Daily News linked above.