Photography has always fascinated me. I originally became intrigued by the science of photography, i.e. the ability to use a device (camera) and film (coated with silver or chemical compounds) or digital image (using modern sensors) to recreate a specific scene. Doesn’t it seem magical? I can only imagine the thrill experienced by early pioneers when they discovered how to capture and reproduce that which the eye can see.
Beyond the science of photography, I admire those who can harness the beauty in the world around us. Most people can learn the technical skills necessary to take a good photograph. There are others though who have a special way of looking at the world and seeing things that seem to be invisible to most of us until they are placed before us as a photographic image.
The nighttime photographs below (from a Digital Photography School article linked below) allow us to share the photographic vision and talents of others.

This is a picture of the Sydney Opera House which is world renowned and recognized as an iconic symbol of Australia. I have seen dozens of pictures of the Opera House and many of them are very similar. This photograph is named “Black Lotus” and indeed presents a view that many of us have probably never seen. Mathijs van den Bosch had a vision when this scene unfolded before him and captured it for all of us to enjoy. Via

The picture above is of an architectural element. We only have an approximation of the size and I am sure a large number of people have passed by this relief and appreciated it. I can almost sense the breath emanating from the statuesque form as Fehrum’s picture suggests that the cherubic figure is blowing the flame. Via

I am not familiar with the Edinburgh Clock Tower which conjures up mental images of London’s Big Ben, but this building is certainly attractive and noteworthy in its own right. Marco Bocelli finds just the right amount of light to render this image concurrently mysterious and majestic. Via
See more interesting nighttime images at the Digital Photography Schools web page:
31 Mystical Night Photography Images