STATUS QUOtes — 20200214

Today’s STATUS QUOtes

“Better to be too early and have to try again, than be too late and have to catch up.” — Aaron Levie

“I am hopelessly in love with a memory. An echo from another time, another place.” — Michael Faudet

“A person always remembers their first love with special tenderness, but after that they begin to bunch them [ed].” — H.L. Mencken

“Without Valentine’s Day, February would be… well, January.” — Jim Gaffigan


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All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2020 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20181006

Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Live the ordinary days with passion and exuberance.” — Dr. SunWolf

“There are quantities of human faces, but there are many more faces, for each person has several.” — Rainer Maria Rilke

“A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours. Marley taught me about living each day with unbridled exuberance and joy, about seizing the moment and following your heart. He taught me to appreciate the simple things – a walk in the woods, a fresh snowfall, a nap in a shaft of winter sunlight. And as he grew old and achy, he taught me about optimism in the face of adversity. Mostly, he taught me about friendship and selflessness and, above all else, unwavering loyalty.” — John Grogan, Marley and Me

“Have you ever worn a different deodorant and for the rest of the day you feel like there is a stranger standing next to you.” — Jim Gaffigan



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All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2018 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20170924

Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Merit can be bought. Passion can’t.” — Hugh Macleod

“As a rule, what is out of sight disturbs men’s minds more seriously than what they see.” — Julius Caesar

“Going to a house of worship to pray doesn’t make you a good person any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.” — Unknown

“If it’s so great outside, why are all the bugs trying to get inside my house?” — Jim Gaffigan

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!



All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross – 2017