Flowers of Flagstaff, Summer 2016
Followers of JBRish have seen a good number of flower pictures I have posted and many of them were desert natives or xeric varieties. One of the amazing qualities of Arizona is the variety of ecosystems and scenery the state has. Naturally there is the beautiful and very different Sonoran Desert, but we also have the high country which includes Flagstaff and serves as a summer retreat and winter skiing destination.
Last weekend we did something a bit different and very special as we celebrated the birthday of my best friend. It was a surprise getaway weekend that we planned with another very special couple-friends.
As we arrived at the door of the “birthday boy,” we saw a very interesting cactus in bloom in the front yard.
A cactus blooms after recent rains in the Sonoran Desert
I admit it is hard to believe that the flower pictured above is real, but it is. The color is so vibrant and “hot.”
Less than a few hours later we arrived at our northern destination and escaped the grasp of the 105 plus temperature for a much more moderate 75 degree atmosphere. This moderate climate enabled us to stroll the grounds of our hotel where we enjoyed the blooms of plants we don’t often see in the Phoenix area. I thought you would like to see some of them.
One of the first interesting sights we came across was a leaning evergreen tree.
It is difficult to conjecture why this tree is growing at such an angle. Perhaps it is the result of a rainy period followed by a strong wind storm that pushed it from its vertical posture.
Along the path Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan) had been planted which an insect found very appealing.
Shasta daisies were putting on a show for passersby as well.
Ratibida or Prairie Coneflower enjoyed their home in the nearby meadow. I believe this variety is also known as Mexican hat (Ratibida columnifera)

Several Blanket flowers (Gaillardia) were basking in sunnier locations. This plant also feels at home in our desert environment with proper care.
The last floral display we saw as we left the wooded area was, what I believe, is a cultivar of
Sambucus canadensis known as Elderberry or Common Elder.
While the wildflowers and cultivated gardens were left behind, we did enjoy one more floral display later that evening.
See previous posts about gardening-related topics here HERE