STATUS QUOtes — 20240712

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Morality is herd instinct in the individual.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“Amateurs practice until they get it right, but professionals practice until they can’t get it wrong.” — Steve Blank

“Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope – a slight change, and all patterns alter.” — Sharon Salzberg

“You can be miserable before you eat a cookie, and you can be miserable afterward. But never while you’re eating a cookie.” — Ina Garten



“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2024 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20240322

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Everything unknown seems magnificent.” — Tacitus

“One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“Life is like a masterpiece of art, very beautiful, but as you look closer you notice the small errors, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying it.” — Amadeus Ramirez

“A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.” — Herbert Eugene Caen



“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2024 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20230726

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“This is the problem of history. We cannot know that which we were not there to see and hear and experience for ourselves. We must rely upon the words of others.” — Yaa Gyasi

“The only peace, the only security, is in fulfillment.” — Henry Miller

“I have been told by hospital authorities that more copies of my works are left behind by departing patients than those of any other author.” — Robert Benchley



“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2023 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20220903

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“A proverb is no proverb to you till life has illustrated it.” — John Keats

“Had I owned the words I would’ve told him what my heart intuited – that joy and sorrow often travel the same road and sometimes, whether by grace or misfortune, they meet and become each other’s companion.” — Vaddey Ratner

“When one has much to put into them, a day has a hundred pockets.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“If we did get a divorce, the only way my husband would find out about it is if they announced it on Wide World of Sports.” — Joyce Brothers



“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2022 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20220301

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Invisible threads are the strongest ties.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“The odds against this sentence having ever being typed, much less the odds against you reading it were inconceivable. Smile, because the fact that you’re able to is almost impossible to comprehend. ” — Jeffrey Rowland

“We confess to little faults only to persuade ourselves we have no great ones.” — La Rochefoucauld

“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.” — Michael Scott



“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.””
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2022 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20210405

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“They muddy the water, to make it seem deep.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“Unless someone truly has the power to say no, they never truly have the power to say yes.” — Dan Millman

“No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. No steam or gas ever drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.” — Henry Emerson Fosdick

“One day you are an apprentice, and everybody’s pet; the next, you are coldly expected to deliver. There is never sufficient warning that the second day is coming.” — Mignon McLaughlin



I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2021 —

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STATUS QUOtes — 20210131

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes

“Men will only throw stones at trees that are laden with fruit.” — Proverb

“There is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don’t ask, walk!” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“I would remind you that extremism in the defence of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” — Barry Goldwater

“What’s a sesame seed grow into? … I don’t know we never give them a chance… what in the world is a sesame?! … it’s a street… it’s a way to open stuff [ed].” — Mitch Hedberg



I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2021 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20201203

“Platitudes? Yes, there are platitudes.
Platitudes are there because they are true.”

— Margaret Thatcher —



Today’s STATUS QUOtes

“Sometimes, to stand out, you need to sit down.” — Anthony T. Hincks

“Things don’t fall apart. Things hold. Lines connect in thin ways that last and last and lives become generations made out of pictures and words just kept.” — Lucille Clifton

“For every person there exists a bait which they cannot resist swallowing [ed].” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“The judicial system is the most expensive machine ever invented for finding out what happened and what to do about it.” — Irving R. Kaufman



I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.
— Marlene Dietrich —

See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!


All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2020 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20200221

Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“We often give our enemies the means of our own destruction.” — Aesop

“Objects close to the eye shut out much larger objects on the horizon; and splendors born only of the earth eclipse the stars. So it is with people who sometimes cover up the entire disc of eternity with a dollar, and so quench transcendent glories with a little shining dust.” — Edwin Hubbell Chapin

“Re-create yourselves: and let this be your best creation.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“Middle age is that perplexing time of life when we hear two voices calling us, one saying, ‘Why not?’ and the other, ‘Why bother?'” — Sydney J. Harris


See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!



All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2020 —

STATUS QUOtes — 20191229

Today’s STATUS QUOtes


“Hope comes in many forms.” — David Chase

“Be careful when you cast out your demons that you don’t throw away the best of yourself.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“Knowledge is a sacred cow, and my problem will be how we can milk her while keeping clear of her horns.” — Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here… this is the War Room!” — Peter Sellers, As President Merkin Muffley in Doctor Strangelove


See previous STATUS QUOtes HERE

Thousands and thousands of quotes delivered since 2011!



All original content on this blog is copyrighted by Jeffrey B. Ross with ALL Rights Reserved. While reference links back to are appreciated and encouraged, please acquire approval for any reproduction of original content from this website.

©Jeffrey B. Ross 2014 – 2019 —