Pickleball Scoring – Odd or Even?

* It is a fact that many Pickleball players lose track of the score. That is why it is important for everyone to call the score before each serve. To double-check if the score has been tallied correctly, you can use this method:

Note that when the score is zero, zero, it is considered an “even” score. The 2 people who are the very first servers (on the right side of their respective courts) for each team are even.

“When the serving team wins a point, the server moves to the other side of the serving team’s court. If the serve rotation is done properly, and the score is called correctly, the serving team’s score will always be even when the player that started the game on the right side is on the right side and odd when that player is on the left side.”

Do you enjoy Pickleball? Would you like to have more Pickleball venues and see the sport thrive? Why not consider joining the USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) – They are the “keepers of the flame,” so to speak. Click this link to find out more:


*Thanks to M. Travis, Phoenix-area Pickleball Ambassador