Missy Mwac’s Photography Glitterbombs

One thing that I understand really irks people who are accomplished photographers is the general public’s belief that anyone can create a wonderful picture. It may be true that if a person captures enough images, they may have a great picture among the many exposures they make.

The trick, of course, is to be able to create a high percentage of remarkable images. It really isn’t about the gear. It is, in a major part, about the vision and skill of the person behind the camera.

Photographer Missy Mwac has put much of this in perspective with her column “Glitterbombs of Truth for Photographers.” If you enjoy photography and the above comments resonate with you, I suggest you take a look at her column. I think you will have a couple of smiles and perhaps a sneer or two as well.


Photography Glitterbombs