The Power and Awesomeness of Photography

I might be repeating myself here, but when I taught photography classes, I tried to impress upon the learners how significant even the most casual photograph is as it represents a moment in time which will never be captured exactly as it is again. That’s it! The scene is finished forever.

In 13 Mind-Bending Thoughts About Photography, Matthew Rycroft highlights several other interesting ideas concerning photography such as: “Before color photography, there was no good reason (I would say compelling) to take photographs of rainbows.” and “Before photography, many people didn’t know what they looked like as children.”

Listen to the other thoughts and watch the associated footage in the video below:


Here is Michael Zhang’s take on the same thoughts on PetaPixel. The photographs at the bottom, which are different than those of Matthew Rycroft’s, lend visual validation to the points.