There was some pickleball excitement in the Valley of the Sun last weekend. Pecos Park in Ahwatukee, AZ was celebrating the official grand opening of their pickleball complex.

The city and citizen planning group has done a wonderful job in laying out sixteen beautiful courts built to specifications allowing for USAPA sanctioned tournaments.

Ramadas are going to be constructed to enhance the experience for onlookers and those waiting to play. There are benches along the side of the courts with room for many more folding chairs.

The lights are very modern and I believe they are LED, but I am not certain. I arrived early to help set up for the big event.

As the crowd began to gather, the pickle twins took to the podium to help bring a celebratory aire to the day.

Everyone was having fun. One round robin tournament player had bunny ears on his hat as he enjoyed the competition. Other guests expressed their enthusiasm in their own particular style.

Seats wer filling up fast. The first two rows were reserved for USAPA Pickleball Ambassadores including yours truly.

The round robin tournament used the new ONIX outdoor pickleball which is visibly stamped USAPA APPROVED!

The ceremony praised the hard work of everyone involved. I am going to do my best to provide correct names for most of the people in the photos. If I have made an error, please let me know in the comment section below and I will revise ASAP.
Esther Avila, Deputy Director at City of Phoenix, Parks and Recreation began with opening remarks.

Councilman Sal DiCiccio, City of Phoenix Councilman for District 6

Justin Maloof – Executive Director – United States Pickleball

Jack Thomas, President of the USAPA

Perhaps the one person most responsible for the vision and custodianship of this new facility was Steve Manolis, Regional Ambassador for Education, USA Pickleball Association, Southwest Region.

Councilman, Sal DiCiccio hits the first official serve to start the play at the new courts.

If you live near Pecos Park, I think you will be pleased to join the pickleball fun!

7010 S 48th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85048
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