In the next installment of Jeff Shank’s 100 Pickleball Strategies, Jeff points out the importance of at least a minimal amount of communication between each team’s players even at the club or recreational level. If you have a tournament partner, I am sure you have crossed this bridge before reading this post. At least I hope you have!
Well then, what should you discuss?
- Are any players on the opposing team left handed? If so, someone should keep track of when both opponents’ backhands are in the middle of the court and announce it to each other during play. The backhand is usually the weakest shot for most players and if each player does have a weak backhand and they are in the middle, this might be an advantage when returning a ball.
- Which way is the wind blowing (if play is outside)?
- Have you seen these players play? Anything unusual about their style (do they spin every ball?)
- Do you know which player is the weakest?
- Does one player have an especially good lob?
What words will be used to indicate that a ball is in, out, potentially going out, etc. Who will cover lobs and under what circumstances?
Watch the video as Jeff explains how to play “smart” pickleball even during recreational play. What additional hints does he offer besides those highlighted above?
- Did you hear what Jeff said about calling lobs “in” or “out”?
- Why is it important to communicate when a shot is returned down the middle of the court to your team?
These are all fundamental key strategies and they can add a couple of points to your score in many games. If you didn’t pick up all of the hints and tips Jeff Shank offered in this segment of his 100 tips, it would be worth it to watch the video again!
NOTE – To find out about this series of posts, i.e. 100 Pickleball Strategies by Jeff Shank, read the first post HERE
To See additional Pickleball Videos Covering Many Aspects of the Game Click Here (primarily for beginners and less experienced players)
Check out Additional Pickleball Info and Videos! (for all players including average to more experienced players)