Lupine Wildflower – Year of Yosemite (YOY) – Day 275


Lupine wildflower growing through a fern

I am fond of lupines because they grow well in our Sonoran Desert environment at spring time and if there is a reasonable amount of winter rains, they can be quite spectacular.

We saw a number of patches of lupines along the trails as we hiked at Yosemite. They are more purple than blue, but the yellow highlights and gray-silver leaves (not pictured above) give them added interest and appeal.

This particular specimen was growing through a fern so the leaves are not visible in this photograph.

Do you have a question about our visit to Yosemite? Ask it in the comment section. originally published this post
*All photographs Copyright by Jeffrey B. Ross with all rights reserved.

See previous Year of Yosemite (YOY) posts HERE. If you want to read the introduction to the YOY series, CLICK HERE.


Meta Data – Day 275 YOY – Year of Yosemite

File Name: 0317.NEF
Capture time: 11:16:59 AM
Capture date: June 8, 2016
Focal Length:50mm
ISO 360
Nikon D3300


Lupines Along the Path – Year of Yosemite (YOY) – Day 212

Lupines appeared along the trail

Lupines were abundant along the different trails. I highlighted lupines HERE and you can see that the plant looks quite different in the earlier post.

The variety in the picture above may be a different type or the fact that it is in full exposure of the sun, wind, snow, rain, etc. has stunted the growth. I find the leaf form very interesting and the leaves shed water which tends to form into drops.

NOTE – Lesson learned: Taking photographs from above the plant doesn’t always render the best perspective.

Do you have a question about our visit to Yosemite? Ask it in the comment section. originally published this post
*All photographs Copyright by Jeffrey B. Ross with all rights reserved.

See previous Year of Yosemite (YOY) posts HERE. If you want to read the introduction to the YOY series, CLICK HERE.


Meta Data – Day 212 YOY – Year of Yosemite

File Name: 0361.NEF
Capture time: 12:24:49 PM
Capture date: June 9, 2016
Exposure: 1/100 sec @ f/18
Focal Length: 55mm
ISO 100
Nikon D3300

Year of Yosemite (YOY) – Day 115 (Lupines – Valley Loop Trail)

Lupines along the Valley Loop Trail 

A wet spring brought wildflowers to Yosemite and the lupines were abundant!

As YOY followers probably know by now, one of my favorite subjects to record as I hike are wildflowers. The diversity and tenacity of nature to have flowers of such beauty that fend for themselves in the wild leaves me in wonder.

As we hiked the Valley Loop Trail, we would come across pockets of lupiines, but this particular specimen appealed to me because of the colors of the nearby ferns and the lupine leaves. The leaves have a unique (palmate) form and dark green color with lighter highlights along the ridges. Not only that, but lupine leaves have a water-gathering quality. If you look at them after a rain (or watering) you can see that the water beads and collects in strategic places on the plant.

A careful examination of the flower might remind you of a pea. Yes, it is a member of the pea family.

My wildflower ID skills are only “fair” so I am guessing these are Gray’s lupine, but they could be Brewer’s lupine. I am providing links to each below so you can decide.

Gray’s Lupine

Brewer’s Lupine

Do you have a question about our visit to Yosemite? Ask it in the comment section. originally published this post
*All photographs Copyright by Jeffrey B. Ross with all rights reserved.

See previous Year of Yosemite (YOY) posts HERE. If you want to read the introduction to the YOY series, CLICK HERE.


Meta Data – Day 115 YOY – Year of Yosemite

File Name: 0316.NEF
Capture time: 12:16:43 PM
Capture date: June 8, 2016
Exposure: 1/60 sec @ f/13
Focal Length: 38mm
ISO 280
Nikon D3300


Year of Yosemite (YOY) – Day 3

Lupines growing near the path of the Valley Loop Trail

“Hiking along the trails and roads of Yosemite in June, we found an array of wildflowers and colorful plants.”

As we walked along the trails, wildflowers arose before us in abundance. Here is a lupine nestled among the shade of the trees and leaves of a fern. originally published this post
*All photographs Copyright by Jeffrey B. Ross with all rights reserved.


See previous Year of Yosemite (YOY) posts HERE. If you want to read the introduction to the YOY series, that can be found HERE.


Meta Data – Day 3 YOY – Year of Yosemite

File Name: 000025_DSC_0318.NEF
Capture time: 12:18:07 AM/PM
Capture date: June 8, 2016
Exposure: 1/60 sec @ f/13
Focal Length: 32mm
ISO 400
Nikon D3300