In January, 2015 my brother-in-law was with us and we decided to go for a short hike. The recently opened Sonoran Desert Drive seemed a likely place to visit as we had passed the Apache Wash trailhead that looked inviting.
We enjoyed a short hike up part of the mountain trail and I was able to capture a couple of pictures of a Red-tailed Hawk, nothing great, but enough for an ID.
After we had finished our short hike (we did not do the entire trail), we headed back to the trailhead where I snapped the picture below of two hiking sticks. They must be hiking sticks if they are wearing hiking shoes; right?
Anyway, I thought this was a funny picture and I wonder whether the footwear was ever reclaimed by its rightful owner.
Snow melt and recent rains created streams with a strong flow
As we hiked the various trails, there were places where the streams were flowing higher and faster than “normal” because of recent rains and the snow melt. We are not novices when it comes to water crossing, but one must be prepared.
The photo above shows just one place where we had to make a stream crossing. Understand that this was the “best” place we could find for a number of yards in each direction. Other areas were wider or had less debris for our feet to rest. Logs can be very tricky when used as part of a pathway because they can roll. I always “test” them first before putting all my weight on them. This is one place where hiking poles or walking sticks might be helpful depending on our style. I was careful and lucky so my feet remained dry on this hike despite a number of similar crossings.
I think it is important to make sure we have the correct hiking boots or shoes. I strongly recommend having hiking boots/shoes that are waterproof at least partially if not totally. Another precaution we take is to carry at least one extra pair of socks each. Nobody wants to hike in wet socks. Wet socks are not only uncomfortable, but I feel it can cause physical problems for our feet. [I also have a couple of very large safety pins that can be used to pin a wet sock or two to the outside of my back pack to hasten drying if needed.]
What can be more important to hikers than their feet?
BTW…One other thing I learned via experience is to make sure the hiking boot or shoe has a good solid “toe bumper” in the front. Those tree roots and rocks are continuously trying to stub my toes and the more tired, the more they seem to be nipping at them! Generally speaking, purchasing budget hiking footwear doesn’t pay in the long run or walk!
Do you have a question about our visit to Yosemite? Ask it in the comment section. originally published this post *All photographs Copyright by Jeffrey B. Ross with all rights reserved.
See previous Year of Yosemite (YOY) posts HERE. If you want to read the introduction to the YOY series, CLICK HERE.
Meta Data – Day XX YOY – Year of Yosemite
File Name: 3539.JPG
Capture time: 3:56:45 PM
Capture date: June 7, 2016
Exposure: 1/60 sec @ f/4.0
Focal Length: 6mm
ISO 80
Canon PowerShot A590 IS