Most hikers enjoy a path or trail that has a canopy which offers some relief from the sun on hot days. On an overcast day it can also provide dramatic lighting and atmosphere. As you can see, this path was along the waterline of the reservoir and combined the best of the woodsy ambience along with a view of the lake. It was the perfect complement to the beautiful surroundings.
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*All photographs Copyright by Jeffrey B. Ross with all rights reserved.
See previous Year of Yosemite (YOY) posts HERE. If you want to read the introduction to the YOY series, CLICK HERE.
Year of Yosemite (YOY) – Day 29 (Hetch Hetchy Wooden Bridge)
File Name: 0472.NEF
Capture time: 1:03:14 PM
Capture date: June 11, 2016
Exposure: 1/60 sec @ f/22
Focal Length: 18mm
ISO 500
Nikon D3300