I am not a member of the grammar police and I am not particularly fond of their worker’s union (wink, wink). All kidding aside, I do like to think I know a fair amount about grammar and word usage, but I must confess, I have some weak areas. If you would like to try your skill at a grammar and word usage test, check out the link below. Fair warning, however, some of the word pairs have fairly nuanced meanings which are often overlooked in common usage.
Ahem! I did manage to earn a “Grammar Pro” ranking.
Here are a few from the quiz to give you a hint. You are on your honor not to look these up for the correct answer beforehand; you’re being watched!
Which of the following words would fit in the blank space?
“The weather just gets worse the ______________ west you go.”
A – farther B – further
Do you know the difference between infer and imply?
What is the difference between the abbreviations e.g. and i.e. is a bit more tricky.
Try your luck at the linked quiz below:
How Well Do You Know These Commonly Misused Words?
How well did you do?
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