NOTE – “As Shot” photographs are some that I have posted on Instagram, but without any imposed crop that might not be warranted, less detail reduction and more of an explanation.

Beautiful decorative boxes near the forge at Cosanti Studios, Paradise Valley, AZ
Paolo Soleri was a master craftsman and excellent designer as well as bronze and ceramic artisan. While visiting his Paradise Valley, AZ (near Scottsdale) studio, Cosanti, I saw this small stack of wooden boxes which were almost hidden from view. They were near the area of the forge and the sun coming through the overhang created a certain mood that I was hoping to capture. I like the dark, subdued mood accented by the sun’s rays.
Click the link to read more about Cosanti. It is an interesting 20-30 minute visit if you are in the area.
Address: 6433 E Doubletree Ranch Rd, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
File Name: Cosanti Boxes_IMG_0105.CR2
Capture time: 10:16:06 AM
Capture date: Nov. 22, 2015
Exposure: 1/50 sec @ f/5.6
Focal Length: 16.16mm
ISO: 200
Camera: Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Lens: 4.3-215mm
Edited in Lightroom
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©Jeffrey B. Ross – 2017 –