Pickleball – Lose Time, Lose the Point!

Sarah Ansboury has won many pickleball championships. She is a coach and player who shares her hard-earned knowledge of pickleball via her blog. You can read more about her HERE.

Sarah recently wrote an article, The Most Common and Most Deadly Pickleball Mistake , in which she explains how in our fast sport of pickleball seconds and fractions of seconds can make a difference.

As she explains, one way we lose time is by not returning to the ready position. This is often seen during a dinking sequence. Most players, and I am one of them, tend to keep their paddle down when dinking begins. What happens if the ball is returned as a forehand or an intended lob and our paddles are down? We now have to move the paddle farther to attempt a return.

You can read the entire article at the link above to see how Sarah Ansboury recommends you improve your game by eliminating this bad habit.

A companion article which continues the theme is Returning a Lob Serve…Take Time Away from Your Opponent.


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Pickleball Video – Paddle Up and in Front of You

Watch a few games of pickleball and you will notice that a significant number of players do not keep their paddle in the up and front position. Each and every top player/coach I have watched encourages players to keep the paddle up and in front of them. Prem Carnot (The Pickleball Guru), Coach Mo, Deb Harrison and Sarah Ansboury are all proponents of this fundamental stance.

Sarah Ansboury is one of the best pickleball players in the world, winning many medals in the tournaments she has entered. In the video below she describes an interesting technique for trying to assure that you keep your paddle up and in front of you for the best chance to return the ball with a good stroke.

Watch the video below and see if this works for you!

In Summary:

  • Keep your paddle out in front of you
  • Point the paddle toward each and every ball while it is in the up position
  • This technique will keep a player alert and engaged


To See Pickleball Videos Covering Many Aspects of the Game Click Here (primarily for beginners and less experienced players)

Check out Additional Pickleball Info and Videos! (for all players including average to more experienced players)